Working together to improve the mental and physical health, well-being and life chances of people in Sussex living with Multiple Sclerosis
Sussex MS Centre is a user-driven charity that provides vital therapy, advice and support to people living with MS in order to enhance their wellbeing and empower them to live more full and productive lives.

During snow days you may find we are opening a little later than usual and closing a little earlier to allow for people to travel during daylight hours where possible.
Please be alert for emails and texts from us keeping you informed on severe weather days and if you are unsure of our hours please ring us.
Our normal opening hours are:
Monday 9am-3.00pm
Tuesday 9am-4.30pm
Wednesday 9am-4.30pm
Thursday 9am-3.00pm
Friday 9am-3.00pm
When visiting please santise your hands before entering and if you have Covid, Cold or Flu symptoms please do not attend.
When attending one-to-one therapies please be respectful if a therapist asks that you wear a mask.