Social Activities
On the social side of things... our Social Committee team are always busy! We want to thank enormously Nikki Manchee (Social Lead for many years) and Jane and Alan Taylor who have been on the committee, also for many years. They have stepped down leaving a fantastic legacy. The remaining Committee is taking on new members, led by Val Roberts. If you feel you would like to be involved please contact us.
There are many reasons why people living with long-term neurological conditions can suffer from loneliness and isolation.
Often people feel fearful or self-conscious and lack the confidence to go out socially into the wider community, or feel their needs will not be met (especially if their symptoms are invisible). Sometimes they don’t want to make demands on their friends or carers, and it’s simply easier to stay at home.
This can bring feelings of isolation, alienation eventually leading to severe depression as well as other health risks. We are always trying ways of countering this for our members and welcome any new ideas from members and carers alike.
Everyday socialising
There's always a member of staff at the Centre and usually a couple of volunteers as well, ready to chat.
We have a small cafe kitchen that members and carers can help themselves to refreshments and sit and chat comfortably. This provides a perfect platform for people to share their experiences, and use their knowledge and skills to help others. Most of our members stop off for a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit or slice of cake when they come in for Oxygen Therapy, therapies or classes. Otherwise, we provide soup and/or baking potatoes so if members find themselves caught short at lunch time they can help themselves to lunch.
We can usually provide a room where people can sit and talk more privately if they wish. Many lasting friendships have been built here, and a real sense of community now exists. We have even hosted the odd wedding reception or birthday party for members!
Monthly evening and weekend events
Many people feel excluded from normal leisure activities, so we put on our own events.
We have held monthly socials for many years now and each occasion has a different theme.
We run a licensed bar at the Centre for these individual events and often put on nights with a dinner, such as a pub night with board games, a quiz night with fish and chips, or beer tasting and curry nights, music nights or comedy. Again, if you know a musician or comedian/comedienne who might be interested in working with us to put a night on please let us know on
Please get in touch if you'd like to contribute by being on the Social Committee too, we are always looking for new members! We also need helpers on the night so if you can see yourself being htat helpful person please get in touch.
We can accommodate up to 45 people at these events and they are usually full. Our Social Committee members organise the events. They and our volunteers do all the catering to keep costs affordable. Members know that the Centre offers a warm, comfortable suitably equipped environment, guaranteeing everyone a pleasant and enjoyable time.
Christmas Dinners
We used to have our Christmas dinner elsewhere, but found the prices excluded many people, and that restaurant or pub claims to be fully accessible were not always accurate.
We now do it ourselves! We can cater for up to 48 people and each year we hire tables and hold a sit down 3 course meal. Between us we manage all the catering and there is always a waiting list for places. All members carring out catering have up to date food hygiene certificates.
Volunteers and Therapists Party
The Centre would not be able to function without the army of volunteers we have. They cover Reception, operate the Oxygen Chamber, and get involved in fundraising events. All our therapists charge less than half their normal fee when giving treatments so they also count as volunteers almost!
Every year our staff thank all the volunteers for their hard work by putting on a party, offering a chance for them to relax and be looked after for a change!