News & Events

Airnergy Talk with Stephen Logue




Wednesday 6th November at 11am

Are you interested in having oxygen sessions but don’t like being in the chamber or the idea of being in the chamber? This could be the answer for you!

Therapy with the Airnergy device delivers an enhanced level of oxygen which is carried by water molecules in the air. These are inhaled using a cannula for a 20-minute session.

Co-MeD is a company which provides a range of complimentary, alternative medical devices. Co-MeD has very kindly donated the Airnergy device to the centre for a six month trial.

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Stephen has a strong interest in complimentary medical devices, hence founding Co-MeD with particular emphasis on therapies which were supported by solid evidence, reflecting his research background.

All members welcome, please put your name on the list at reception, so we have an idea of numbers.


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