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Fundraising for the Sussex MS Centre

Fundraising is hugely important in generating the vital income that means that we can open our doors each day. It is especially crucial now, as we recover from the pandemic and resume our full range of services.

Sussex MS Centre receives no funding from government statutory bodies, so we rely on the donations of members, charitable trusts, grant bodies, funds raised by community groups – and, of course, the support of individuals taking on sponsored events and challenges for the Centre.

Each year the Centre organises a series of fundraising events, which include a sponsored bike ride, sponsored walk and sponsored abseil, sky dive, raffles and more. Our Centre-organised events, which are usually local, are an enjoyable way for both members and friends of the Centre to raise funds.

We are enormously grateful to the troop of incredible fundraisers who take on individual challenges or organise independent fundraising events for the Centre each year. We encourage anyone who would like to set up an individual fundraiser to contact us for tips and ideas. Our support officer will then do all they can to support you from beginning to end!

Here are some examples of the types of sponsored challenges that people have been inspired to take on in the past:

  • Running events – choose your distance! We regularly have individuals taking on 10km runs, half marathons and full marathons
  • Swimathons
  • Obstacle challenges, such as Tough Mudder or Rough Runner – these events are great if you would like to rally a team to get stuck in together
  • Abseils
  • Skydives

Perhaps you would like to organise your own fundraising event (virtual or live)? In the past individuals have  organised comedy nights, music events, a bridge afternoon, coffee mornings, curry nights with a quiz, golf tournaments, jumble sales, bric-a-brac sales, plant and cake or book sales, a bake off, bowls evenings, online coffee mornings or quizzes and so much more!

We would love to hear from you if you would like to get involved!

Please email Rebekah on or ring 01273 594484 for more information on upcoming Centre-organised events or for support in setting up your own challenge or fundraiser.

Upcoming Fundraising Events and Activities

Brighton Half Marathon - Sunday 25th February 2024

London Marathon - Sunday 21st April 2024

Whether you choose to make a one-off donation or set up a regular monthly standing order payment, your support will bring much needed support to many of our members.

Your donation means we can give therapies, oxygen sessions, physiotherapy or counselling to those who cannot afford to make a donation or to pay for these, thereby ensuring all members can access these services:

  • £23 pays for one complimentary therapy session
  • £10 pays for one session in our oxygen chamber
  • £33 pays for one session of physiotherapy
  • £35 pays for one counselling session
How do I make a donation?

You can transfer a donation by BACS to us: Lloyds, Sort Code 30-98-74, Account number 01813557 using the reference 'Donation' or send a cheque, made payable to Sussex MS Centre, or call us on 01273 594484 to make a donation over the phone using a debit or credit card.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, please remember to Gift Aid your donation and we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give at no extra cost to you! Please ask us for a Gift Aid form.

