News & Events

CBD Oil Talk on Thursday 16 January at 11.45am




CBD oil seminar with John Wood

Thursday 16th January 11.45am

Where? In the café area at the Sussex MS Centre

Could CBD Oil give you relief? John will cover what CBD oil is, how it works and how it may benefit you.

We want to offer a space for our members to learn a little bit more about how CBD oil may be able to help with pain management, where we can encourage an open discussion about the potential benefits of using CBD oil.


John is a Personal Trainer and takes the oil himself to relieve his anxiety.

CBD helps him when nothing else works and has made his life more manageable. He loves to teach others how to improve their health and gives seminars locally.

All welcome, please do pop your name on the list at reception so that we have an idea of how many people may be attending.
