News & Events

Facebook Birthday Fundraiser




If you have a birthday coming up soon or anytime this year, why not set up a Facebook birthday fundraiser and ask your friends and family to make a donation to the Sussex MS Centre instead of buying you a card or present?
To set up your fundraiser all you need to do is this:
1. Visit the Facebook page.
2. Select your chosen cause – we are listed as Sussex MS Centre
3. Choose how much you’d like to raise.
4. Decide when you’d like your birthday fundraiser to end (it will start as soon as you finish this process).
5. If you click next, you’ll be asked to give your fundraiser a title. Don’t worry you don’t have to get creative – Facebook will suggest some language for you!
6. You’ll be asked to explain why you’re fundraising. Facebook will suggest something for you which you can adapt, keep or replace.
7. You’ll then be asked to choose the photo you would like to use
That’s it! All you have to do is share it with your friends and connections. When your fundraiser ends, you don’t have to do anything at all – The Sussex MS Centre will receive the funds you have raised without you needing to do anything.
Thanks for sharing your birthday with us. 😀🎈🎉