News & Events

Letter to Members and Friends




News 13/04


Dear Members and Friends,

We want to keep in touch with you during this difficult period of lockdown. We miss you all so much! We hope this finds members, carers, friends and families safe in these troubling times. Many of you are contacting us via social media but we want to pop all the information we have been putting out there on FaceBook and Twitter in one place on our website.

As you know, the Centre is closed until further notice and there are no staff on site. During lockdown you can contact us on our dedicated mobile: 07561 648 044. This phone will not be answered but, if you leave a message, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please leave your name, number and a short message clearly so we can respond. There may be things we can help with or signpost you towards.

Many members rely on the Centre and the friendships made there to help cope with life’s challenges. If you would like to speak to any of your friends but don’t know their phone number or how to contact them, please ring the mobile number above or email and we will contact them for you.

Meanwhile, some of our services are being offered in new ways by our therapists and teachers (who are all self employed) as well as by our benefits team, including:

Counselling: Lynne Shepherdson and Nick Marsh are available by telephone or Skype – if you are interested in speaking with either of them, please contact us on the Centre mobile (above), leaving your name and telephone details and who you would like to talk with. For further emotional and psychological support you might like to join the special WhatsApp group created by our Social Committee lead, Nikki Manchee. Please contact Nikki directly on FaceBook.

You can also ring the MS Trust on 0800 0302 3839, or the MS Society on 0808 800 8000. Both are free of charge. You may not get an immediate answer, but all services are doing their utmost to get back to you as soon as possible. They can also be contacted online.

Acupuncture: Our acupuncturist Evette has put together a YouTube video of her showing useful acupressure points. Visit to see it.

Physiotherapy: If you have a question about a physical- or movement- related problem or would like advice on exercise or management of symptoms, Viola, one of our physiotherapists, is offering one-to-one exercise sessions online. Sessions (offered on a donation basis) will be conducted by Zoom. Please contact Viola on or leave your name, number and interest on the mobile.

Pilates: Our Pilates teacher, Miki, has a recording of her class on her YouTube channel, ‘Micaela Floyd’ (free to subscribe). The MS session is at:

Yoga: Our Seated Yoga and Yoga teacher, Louise, is offering weekly Wednesday Morning Yoga Practice online via Zoom at 11am – 12noon for anyone wishing to join. Intended for all abilities the class is a mix of Hatha Yoga, Qi Gong, breathing exercises and relaxation. You are welcome to join but it is your responsibility to miss out anything that doesn’t feel comfortable for you. Suggested donations range from £2 – £8, but please join for free if money is an issue. To book, email or ring 07779 150 886.

Louise may also run an online Tuesday Meditation Session 11am – 11.30am if there is sufficient demand. If you would like to join this, please register your interest with her using her contact details above.

Benefits Help: We’re very aware that in the current climate, some of you will be worried about finances. Our voluntary benefits team is still here for you being led by Linn MacCallum Stewart. If you have any questions about benefits, please text or ring the Centre mobile with your name and number mentioning ‘benefits’ or email and she can arrange for someone from the team to talk to you by phone or Zoom.

Other useful services to help during lockdown

  • Most pharmacies will deliver prescriptions to you – just ask them!
  • Food: We have been advised of two wholesale food suppliers that are now offering home deliveries.

Elite Fine Foods Newhaven: for next day delivery call 01273 616402 between 9am and 2pm to place your order. Minimum £50 spend. NHS and the vulnerable will be prioritized. To see their range, visit

Adams Wholesale Food Suppliers: call 01903 282 220 or visit to register for an account. Supplies arrive within 24 hours.

Meanwhile, we all must keep ourselves and one another safe by staying at home, but there are still ways of helping your MS, whether it’s continuing your exercise routines, cooking creatively, reading a good book, mindfulness or gardening – and, if you have no outdoor space, spending time outside in parks.

Befriending: Do remember to keep in touch with one another – a weekly phone call can make all the difference. If you’re concerned about anyone you know from the Centre, please let us know. You might also like to know that Shift MS are offering a buddy system. For more information, please go to their website:

Finally for now, thank you so much for your continuing support! It has never been more vital. Whether you give monthly or one-off donations we appreciate it so much, especially as we need to ensure the Centre is ready to reopen as soon as the lockdown has ended. On a personal note we’d like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful volunteers who have supported the Centre through the weeks leading up to closure, to the benefits team who continue to volunteer, and to everyone who has contributed ideas and services to this letter. We are extremely grateful.

The Centre is safe and sound and we can’t wait to welcome you and yours back as soon as it is possible. Look after yourselves and each other – and stay safe!

With very best wishes

From the Board of Trustees, EJ, Ali and Jane


News 13/04