News & Events

The 2.6 Challenge for Sussex MS Centre




2.6 challenge poster with our logo

Calling Home Heroes!!   The Coronavirus outbreak has had a devastating effect on the Sussex MS Centre. Like many charities across the world, the Centre is facing much uncertainty in the wake of this unprecedented pandemic.

With fundraising events having to be cancelled, and members unable to attend their regular sessions and contribute towards therapies, our income is significantly down and we are reliant on the generous donations of all. Rising to this challenge to help us would be one way you can donate

The campaign, The 2.6 Challenge, will launch on Sunday 26 April – what should have been the date of the 40th edition of the London Marathon, the world’s biggest one day annual fundraising event, which raised £66.4 million for charities in 2019. The MS Centre had 2 runners in this marathon!

Its not too late to raise money for us during these difficult times of lockdown when  we still have staff working and no income. We need all the support we can get from you to help us re-open in the coming months.

From Sunday 26 April, you are being asked to dream up an activity based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 and fundraise. The Challenge is open to anyone of any age – the only requirement is that the activity must follow the Government guidelines on exercise and social distancing.

Its simple – all you have to do is:

  • Think of your 2.6 activity ( in minutes, secs)
  • Take Part
  • Donate to the MS Centre

If you can, record your activity for social media or take a short film or take photos and send it to your friends and family for sponsorship/donations.

Ideas for things you could do – the world is your oyster – we aren’t looking for superheroes, we’re looking for Home Heroes!!!
  • 26 hops around the house
  • Walking up and down the stairs 26 times
  • gardening for 26 minutes
  • Baking 26 fairy cakes
  • Do 26 Star jumps
  • Recite 26 poems
  • Complete 26 laps of the garden on foot, scooter or roller skates
  • Hold the plank for 26 seconds or 2.6 minutes (that’s 156 seconds!)
  • Sing 26 songs!
  • 26 minutes of yoga/pilates
  • Get your dog to walk 26 miles

You can set up your Virgin Money Giving page by heading to:

  1. Go to ‘Fundraisers’
  2. Click on ‘Create your fundraising page’
  3. After entering your details, you will need to select a charity, search for: Sussex MS Centre

Get family and friends to donate and sponsor you to complete your challenge and donate through your VMG page. If you can – film yourself completing you 2.6 Challenge activity and upload it online with the hashtag #Twopointsixchallenge

Share your photos /videos with you so we can share on Facebook and Twitter!!

Thank you so much for your support – every single penny counts!!
2.6 challenge poster with our logo