
Brighton Half Marathon
3 free places for Brighton Half Marathon 2020

We have 3 free places to give away for next year’s Brighton Half Marathon. Race day is SUNDAY 23 FEBRUARY 2020. It’s a lovely event run along Brighton’s seafront.

NEA logo
National Energy Action talk Wednesday 4th December

All members and carers welcome. Come and get advice and hot tips on keeping warm in your homes and decreasing your energy bills this winter. Plus a bit of help on climate change!   NEA work across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and with their sister charity Energy Action Scotland, to ensure that everyone can…

CBD Oil Talk on Thursday 16 January at 11.45am

Could CBD Oil give you relief? John will cover what CBD is, how it works and how it may benefit you.

Bladder and Bowel Challenges – An introduction. Thursday 28 November

Bladder and bowel dysfunction often come together. The impact this can have on quality of life for people with MS is huge and can result in both anxiety, depression and social isolation.