
News 13/04
Letter to Members and Friends

We want to keep in touch with you during this difficult period of lockdown. We miss you all so much! We hope this finds members, carers, friends and families safe in these troubling times. Many of you are contacting us via social media but we want to pop all the information we have been putting out there on FaceBook and Twitter in one place on our website.

benefits picture

      FACE-TO-FACE ASSESSMENTS SUSPENDED The DWP have announced the suspension of all PIP, ESA and UC face-to-face assessments for three months, from Tuesday 17 March. Anyone who had a face-to-face assessment appointment scheduled from Tuesday 17 March onwards does not need to attend. You should be contacted by IAS (Atos), Capita or Maximus…

UltraChallenge picture
Take on an Ultra Challenge for 2020!

Are you a keen walker, jogger, or runner who may be new to challenge events, or perhaps with more experience and seeking an adventure! Contact Ali on or call on 01273 594484 if you would like to take part in one of these challenges. Home

Brighton Half Marathom
Brighton Half Marathon 23rd February 2020

We have a team of runners running for us in the Grand Brighton Half Marathon. Registration for the event is now closed but if you would like to come on the day and cheer on our runners please do! Ali our Support Officer will be running on the day, along with her husband Sean. Also,…