Posts by EJ Stuttard
Facebook Birthday Fundraiser

Brighton Half Marathon 2021
New Years Challenge

Therapies restarting at the Centre pre-Christmas
Just enough time before Christmas to finally have that Massage, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy or Acupuncture session or facial, you’ve been dreaming of for the past 9 months!
In a relaxed but safe COVID environment with new protocols and enhanced hygiene routines. If you are interested in having a session, please email us on or ring us on 01273-594484 to discuss and book.
Foothealth with Julia Johnson from 9.30am onwards every six weeks
Acupuncture with Evette Caplan 10am onwards
Physiotherapy with Diane Rees from 12pm onwards
Massage with Marta O’Neil 9.30am onwards
Beauty Therapies with Sarah Brisley 9.30am onwards – NB starting 18th December
Physiotherapy with Viola Santa from 10am onwards
Osteopathy with Virginia Keefe from 12.30pm onwards
Finally, please note that Centre closure dates for Christmas and New Year are: Tuesday 22nd December to Sunday 3rd January inclusive.
Online Drop-in Classes Timetable
Please ring us on 01273-594484 if you haven’t been to one of these classes in a while just in case the class leader is on holiday. Christmas closure – There will no classes from Monday 21st – Friday 1st January (the Centre re-opens on Monday 4th January 2021 and online classes return this week also).
All classes are suitable for MS but can help everyone. Everyone is welcome. Participants must do only what is comfortable and safe for them.
To access, you will need to sign up by phone, computer, ipad or tablet to the free website, Zoom.
All classes and groups are free but donations are always very welcome.
Seated Yoga for Every Body with Louise Windsor every Tuesday at 10.30am-11.30noon
Yoga can help manage anxiety and develop peace of mind. Its physical benefits are an increased mobility range, strengthening of muscles, and improvement to posture, balance and the communication between brain and body. This seated class will include gentle movement for all abilities, breathing exercises and meditation to help calm the nervous system and soothe the mind. Louise has been running Chair Yoga classes at the Centre for the past 6 years.
To join the class go every time to
then type the password: 968415
Seated Physio Exercise with Viola Santa every Tuesday at 12-12.40pm
Exercises are uplifting, easy to follow and aim to improve flexibility, strength, posture, balance and body awareness. Some exercises in standing may be included, if attendees are able. Viola, our physiotherapist has been teaching one to one physio sessions online since lockdown. If you have questions about the class, would like to book a one to one session or want help with zoom, please email her on
To join the class go every time to
then type the password: exercise
Pilates with Miki Floyd every Friday at 10.30-11.15am
Miki, our Pilates instructor, has been teaching live online classes since lockdown. This class is tailored specifically for MS. Its aim is to provide routine, keeping you active during this period of isolation. You can work from the floor or on a chair, if you are not very mobile. You can even do the class from your bed.
To join the class go every time to
NB There is no password – it is embedded within the address above.
Classes are still free but donations are very welcome either by Bank transfer to Sussex MS Centre, Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-98-74, Account No: 01813557
Please use one of these references: Yoga/Pilates/Physio
There is no need to enter your name. We will see your name on our bank statement.
OR you can visit
There are suggested donations of £5 for one class or £20 for four classes to choose from – You can specify a completely different amount if you prefer.
Live Classes restarting in December!

Great news! We are excited to be bringing live classes back to the Centre pre-Christmas – there’s just no time to lose!
The following classes (some new, others already up-and-running) will all take place in our Covid-safe gym (maximum of 5/6 members). If the classes advertised fill up there will be another session running directly afterwards (dependent on sufficient demand of course).
Please note that classes are no longer drop-in – everything must be pre-booked. Classes are still free but donations are extremely appreciated especially during these COVID times.
MondaysPilates Class with James Powell at 11.30am (a second class will run if there is demand)TuesdaysAcupuncture with Evette Caplan 10am onwardsKeep Fit Classes with Lynne Shepherdson 9.15am and 10.30WednesdaysMat Yoga Class with Louise Windsor 10am (a second class will run if there is demand)Keep Fit Classes with Lynne Shepherdson 2pm and 3.15pmThursdaysPilates Class with Kay Foster at 10.00am (a second class will run if there is demand)Please note that Centre closure dates for Christmas and New Year are: Tuesday 22nd December to Sunday 3rd January inclusive.
How to Donate:
By Bank transfer to Sussex MS Centre, Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-98-74, Account No: 01813557Please use one of these references: Yoga/Pilates/Physio
There is no need to enter your name. We will see your name on our bank statement.OR you can visit
There are suggested donations of £5 for one class or £20 for four classes to choose from – You can specify a completely different amount if you prefer.
20:20 Challenge
Well done to Centre Member and volunteer Barry Whitmore, who has completed his 20:20 challenge. A huge thanks to everyone that sponsored him. He has managed to raise an amazing £701.25!!
It is not too late to sponsor him, so if you have not already donated, you can do so by heading to Barry’s Virgin Money Giving page. All donations go to our fabulous Sussex MS Centre. We really need the funds right now!!!
12 Days of Giving

Christmas Raffle!!
Just a reminder that our Christmas Raffle tickets are on sale now until the morning of 16th December! (Draw at 11am on 16/12!)
1st prize – up to 7 nights in a 3-bedroom lodge in Looe, Cornwall until May 2021. Specially designed for disabled holidays with electric hoist. Accessible kitchen and shower and more. See
2nd Prize – £350 voucher for a piece of individual artwork from Enter Gallery, Brighton!
3rd Prize M&S voucher
Other prizes include: a mouthwatering hamper, £30 NEXT voucher, l’occitane box, bodyshop hamper, voucher donated by Ringmer and Southwick butchers!
Contact us on 01273 594484 or email to buy. Tickets are £1 each. Grand Draw is on Wednesday 16 Dec at 11.00am and is accessible by Zoom on: Passcode: 523787
20 For 20 Challenge